
This year's sourwood honey is a bit unique. It has a slight sweetness compared to previous years due to the basswood and other sweeter floral sources that mixed into this 2020 harvest.
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Despite the late spring this year, our hive girls came through with two types of pure Appalachian wildflower honey.
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Much to our dismay, Western North Carolina had an abnormally wet and cold 2020 spring. The cold and rainy weather combined with a late frost in March placed the bees in distress. Even with each colony storing 50lbs of 2019...
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A big round of thanks to all of the folks listed here, who donated to the First Responders Children's Foundation via their purchases of our Appalachian Wildflower Honey.
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Now, more than ever, safe sustainable food is a premium, and honey is an example of something you can get locally, harvested directly from the hive, and, like our honey, dispensed into a container on-premises.
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